Oct 7, 2010

Did you know?

65% of people have had the information on their computers compromised by cyber-criminals?

Oct 4, 2010

Is someone stealing your Wi-Fi?

If your favorite website is taking forever to load, outsiders may be the source to blame for using your Wi-Fi. While chances are it's just a neighbor mooching off of your signal, cyber-criminals could be using your internet to spread viruses which could eventually get you into trouble. You MUST protect yourself! You can, however, protect your signal.

1.) Open up a Web-browser window.

2.) Type the router's internet address in the URL box. It may look like something like Look in the device's manual to find yours. You might be able to type in a Google search - "Linksys wireless router IP address" - should work. If you're prompted for a user name or password, check your manual. More than likely, the password will be "password," or "admin."

3.) You should now be on the router's configuration page. Set up a wireless protected access (wpa). You should be able to find this under the "Security" tab. Enter a password that is close to you, and easy to remember. Make sure you save it somewhere safe, and you can now rest easy knowing your router is safe from outside intruders.

Oct 1, 2010

The IT Police are coming.

The IT Police are coming, and they are your 9-1-1 when cyber crime attacks your technology. Don't wait for your PC to crash. Bring it to the IT Police for further investigation. We'll get you back up and running, and we will protect you from future attacks.

Cyber criminals never sleep, nor does the IT Police. 24-hour protection for your technology.